If I received a dollar everytime someone gets my name wrong

Welcome to KevinNotKelvin – the sanctuary where I, Kevin (not Kelvin, mind you), document the journey of the multiple challenges I am impose on myelf for absolutely no good reason other than “Why Not?. If I had a penny for every time someone called me Kelvin, I’d be lounging in a rather upscale beach villa in Maldives, sipping a drink fancier than your average cuppa. But here we are, in the digital realm, where my name is not only my identity but also a recurring joke at the expense of my Starbucks cup.

Who is Kevin (and definitely not Kelvin)?

I’m an aspiring solopreneur, a word that my spellchecker vehemently disagrees with, but what does it know? I dive into the tumultuous seas of technology, crafting solutions, and occasionally, a decent cup of tea. As an aspiring solopreneur, I document my forays and foibles in the world of ones and zeroes, with a dash of dry wit because, let’s face it, if you can’t laugh at a debugging session gone awry at 3 AM, when can you?

What’s in a Name?

“KevinNotKelvin” isn’t just a quirky moniker; it’s a battle cry, a statement, a brand that’s as unique as a correctly spelled name on a coffee cup. It’s a reminder that while technology can take us to Mars, it can’t always get a five-letter name right.

The Chronicles of KevinNotKelvin

This site is where I chronicle my adventures and misadventures. From launching apps quicker than a microwave meal to deciphering code that would baffle Turing, it’s all in a day’s work. Expect tales of triumph, the occasional tragedy, and a generous sprinkling of humour because if we can’t chuckle at a catastrophic system failure, what can we do?

So, buckle up, grab your (preferably alcoholic) beverage of choice (and double-check the name on the cup), and join me on this whimsical journey through the highs and lows of solopreneurship. Whether you’re here for the insights, the anecdotes, or just to ensure you get my name right, I welcome you to KevinNotKelvin – where tech meets wit.